Understand the Planning Process

Confirm Eligibility
Check whether you meet the eligibility criteria set out by the NDIS. This includes age, residency, and disability requirements.
Submit an Access Request
If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can submit an Access Request Form to the NDIS. This form gathers information about your situation and needs.
Planning Meeting
Once your access request is approved, you'll have a planning meeting with an NDIS representative. This meeting is to discuss your goals, the support you currently receive, and any additional support you might need.
Create Your Plan
Your NDIS representative will use the information from the planning meeting to develop your NDIS plan. This plan outlines the support and funding you'll receive.
Receive Your Plan
You'll receive your approved plan either through the mail or the NDIS participant portal. Reviewing your plan and understanding what supports and services are included is essential.
Implement Your Plan
Find service providers that suit your needs and align with your goals. You can start booking and receiving services and support outlined in your plan.
Plan Review
Your NDIS plan will be reviewed periodically, usually every 12 months. This review allows you to discuss your progress, adjust goals, and change supports if necessary.